President FDR Roosevelt Signed Appointment
State Director of Selective Service
– Walter Wilde –
Wisconsin Selective Service Appointment – 1940

President Franklin D. Roosevelt Original Signed Document – FDR Appoints Walter Wilde State Director of the Selective Service for Wisconsin 12/2/1940
President FDR & Cordell Hull signed document.
Framed, Fair to Good Quality; fading and bleeding from the presidential seal.
Signed into law by Franklin Roosevelt in 1940, the Act established the first peace-time draft in United States history. Under the Selective Training and Service Act, all American males between twenty-one and thirty-six years of age registered for the draft. The government selected men through a lottery system. If drafted, a man served for twelve months. According to the Selective Training and Service Act’s provisions, drafted soldiers had to remain in the Western Hemisphere or in United States possessions or territories located in other parts of the world. The act provided that not more than 900,000 men were to be in training at any one time, and it limited service to 12 months.
[Full Text]
“Franklin D. Roosevelt
President of the United States of America To all who shall see these presents Greeting
Know ye, that reposing special trust and confidence in the Integrity and Ability of Walter J. Wilde, of Wisconsin, I have nominated and by and with the advice and consent of the Senate do appoint him State Director of Selective Service for Wisconsin, and do authorize and empower him to execute and fulfill the duties of that office according to law, and to have and to hold the said office with all the powers, privileges, and emoluments thereunto of right appertaining unto him the said Walter J. Wilde, during the pleasure of the President of the United States for the time being.
In testimony whereof, I have caused these Letters to be made Patent and the Seal of the United States to be hereunto affixed.
Done at the City of Washington this second day of December in the year our Lord one thousand nine hundred and forty, and of the Independence of the United States of America the one hundred and sixty fifth.”